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Theater and street show


TThe love of risk !  « Random » is a show that expores theatrical situations to their limits,
something falling into total absurity or eccentricity, with a lot a naturalness. With this first show, Joel Marti and Pablo Molina play lines bordering the danger, seek a freshness scenic with an almost cruel sincerity.

Balance, contorsion, tightrope, dance, theater and dialogues disturbing for a
story hardly credible, narrated by this duo to the personality « borderline »,
ready for anything.

They like what they do, and guess what ? It shows !

Random Team


Joel Martí Melero



Pablo Molina Tovar

Danser, Handstands


Luís Portillo Vallet

Light and sound technician


Les Thérèses 


The Company

Joel Marí & Pablo Molina company emerged during the year 2017, with the ambition of making a show that represents the taking of liberties by the artists. We wanted to show that everything is possible, that all ideas are good if they are taken far enough, that the circus and the theater have no limits.

Random is the result of hundreds of hours of free improvisation, which we later weave by finding the different threads that make up the show's plot. It was a project open to everything, in which we have finally found a very solid base on top of which we can allow ourselves to come and go depending on what arises.


Obtaining the recognition of the De Mar a Mar and Circus Next awards helped us to legitimize this project, especially that in the eyes of programmers it seemed risky in itself and risky to record. Over time we have shown that the circus needs shows that break down barriers and show the public different ways of approaching a stage.


Info Sheet

Show name: Random

Company Name: Joel Martí & Pablo Molina

Direction and interpretation: Joel Martí and Pablo Molina

Duration: 60 min.

Disciplines: balance, contortion, cable acrobatic, dance, theater

Creation of light: Luís Portillo

Administration: Les Thérères

With the support of: La Central del Circ, De Mar a Mar (DMAM) and Circus Next


Proyecto beneficiario del dispositivo Fondo de creación del proyecto de cooperación transfronterizo De Mar a Mar en el marco del programa POCTEFA. Con el apoyo de La Central del Circ, La XarxaTransversal

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